Fairy Tail

Do fairies really have tails? Do they even exist. . Like them, this place as an eternal mystery . . A never ending adventure!

Lucy Heartfilia

I made a promise to live on for the sake of my future self! I'm going to see many more sunsets... and shed countless more tears of joy and sadness!

Natsu Dragneel

When we're all alone, it might be to frightening to bear... but we're all right beside each other. We've got our friends close by! Now, there's nothing to fear! Because we're not alone!

Erza Scarlet

It is always sad to part with those whom you love but your companions will help you bear that sadness.


We're not your puppets!! We are... Mages of Fairy Tail!

Jekkicchi On Monday, January 27, 2014

A.N :
Sorry~ I ended up making a one-shot of Kuroko no Basuke XD

This one-shot inspired from chapter when Seirin is facing Rakuzan on Winter Cup! XD

Summary :
When it's time for Seirin vs Rakuzan, something is wrong with Kuroko. Not just Kuroko, but Akashi, Midorima, Aomine, Kise and Murasakibara too! All of them look.. pissed maybe? And Kagami, he feels someone is glaring at him and he feels that someone is cursing him. What is going on here?! Overprotective!GoM & OOC!Kuroko.
Genre : Humor & Friendship (Maybe)

Disclaimer : Kuroko no Basuke is owned by Fujimaki Tadatoshi! If i owned Kuroko no Basuke, i bet all of the Generation of Miracles member plus their phantom sixth man and Momoi will attend the same school~!

It's Kagami's Fault!

Today is the day when the finals of WC between Seirin and Rakuzan. But something feel.. weird. Well, that's because it seems that Kuroko were letting out a dark aura. It was like this...


"Today is the day! Everyone is here?" Aida Riko, Seirin's coach say while turning her backs to her teammates and she noticed something "Wait, where's Kuroko-kun?" she say as she looking around for Kuroko

"Ano.. I was here the whole time.." 

"Woah! Kuroko! Don't appear so suddenly beside me!" Yelled Kagami as he look beside him 

"And what the heck is that?! Why are you drinking Vanilla-shake?!" He says again while pointing at the shake that Kuroko held

"That's because i can't concentrate without drinking it" Kuroko say with his usual poker face while sipping his Vanilla-shake

"Tch, just do what you want" Kagami say as he tried to walk faster leaving Kuroko's behind. But accidentally, Kagami's nudged Kuroko's, so Kuroko's shake were spilled.

Kagami noticed his action, and turned to Kuroko while saying "Ah, Sorry" but he got nothing from Kuroko.

Kuroko just looking on his spilled shake, with his bangs shadowing his eyes. Kagami were feeling a little uncomfortable, he decided to ask him once more 

"Kuroko, are you okay..?"

Kuroko looks up to Kagami with his usual deadpanned-face while saying "Yes Kagami-kun. I'm okay"

Kagami feels a little relieved with that answer, but he feels that some dark aura coming out from Kuroko's.

Flashback End

"Okay everyone! Let's win this!" Hyuuga say encouraging his teammates

"Yeah!" The other reply while raising their fists to the air except Kuroko

"Umm.. Kuroko, are you okay? Mitobe is worried about you" Koganei say while Mitobe standing beside him nodding with a worried face

Kuroko's dark aura disappear as he turned to Koganei and Mitobe while saying

"Yeah, I'm okay senpai. Please don't worry about me" a ghostly smile appeared from Kuroko's face.

But after he turned away from his senpai, Kuroko's dark aura is appearing again. 

"Is he really okay..?" Koganei say to himself

"Both Teams! Line up!"

"Let's have a nice game!" Both team say

"Tetsuya, what happened to you?" Akashi say as he noticed something's feels wrong from his former teammate

"Nothing's wrong, Akashi-kun. Let's have a nice match" Kuroko say as he bow politely to Akashi
Akashi look with a doubting face, but after a few seconds, he replied

"Yeah, same here"

The match is went well, but Kuroko's dark aura is getting bigger and bigger. It makes all the Seirin's team shuddered.

One of the benched people on Seirin's side (Sorry, i forgot the name -,-) is realized that Kuroko's pass always blocked by the opposing team.

He was going to tell the coach, but it was too late. Everyone on Seirin's team is panicking.

After Rakuzan scored, Akashi's walked to Kuroko and say

"When you find your own way of Basketball in Teikou, i told you to train only your passing and not learn any shooting or other skill. Did you know why?"

Kuroko didn't say anything, he just looked at Akashi's with his usual deadpan face, letting him to continue his sentence. Akashi understand what it means just continuing his words

"That's because i knew if i let you learn them, you special ability (lack of presence) would totally faded away in the future. Vanishing drive, Phantom shot, how could you not get any attention from those fancy techniques? The buzzer-beater you scored in the semi-finals was also the killing shot.
Only because you emitted a dim ray of light, you can no longer be your shadow anymore"

All of Seirin's member is shocked at Akashi's explanation, but Kuroko's still wearing his usual face.

He doesn't care about anything right now. The only thing is his mind were 'searching a plan to make Kagami's regretting his action. Spilling his vanilla-shake'

"It's an act of folly that's unbearable to watch. Personally, relinquishing your greatest advantage that is. No longer the phantom sixth man, you are now only an average player, with no value whatsoever. To think that this had all escaped your notice until now.. I'm disappointed at you, Tetsuya" Akashi say while walking away from Kuroko

Kuroko was silent for a moment, he didn't listen to anything he said, but something's come to his mind, that was a plan to make Kagami's regret his action. He smirked.

"You've done talking? Man, that was a long speech" Kuroko say with an annoyed face

"Whaa..?" Is everyone reaction to Kuroko's bravely talking back to his former captain.




'What happened to you..?' is Aomine, Momoi and Murasakibara's thought

"Tetsuya, what did you say Can you repeat it?" Akashi say as he turned to Kuroko

"Hah? Are you deaf or something? I say, that was a veryy long and boring speech" Kuroko say again repeating what he says earlier

The Rakuzan's team feels a murderous aura coming from their captain. Nebuya went to Kiyoshi and ask him "Did he always like that?! Isn't he Akashi's former teammate?! Why is he saying things like that?! Akashi is really pissed now, you know?!"

Kiyoshi looked at Nebuya and say "S-sorry.. I don't know what happened either.." Nebuya is surprised at Kiyoshi's answer. He was going to say something but cutted by Akashi's voice

"Tetsuya. Who taught you to talk like that?" He says with a pissed tone

"S-sei-chan.. Calm down.." Mibuchi say while confronting Akashi

"Tetsuya. Answer my question, now" Akashi say again, ignoring what Mibuchi's said

"No. Don't wanna" Kuroko say with a smirk while thinking 'Great! A few steps more'

"K-Kuroko.. Since when did you become like this..?" Izuki say while coming to Kuroko's side

"Tetsu.. who teach you to talk back to Akashi.." Aomine say while his hand is making a fist

"Tetsu-kun.. I hope you're save!" Momoi say or more likely, she was praying for her beloved Tetsu safety

"Kuro-chin.. What a brave man you are.." Murasakibara say while munching his snacks

"Tetsuya, tell me now. Who is this insolent bastard that teach you to talk back like that?" Akashi say with an intimidating tone

"Ooh~ You really wanted to know~?" Kuroko say again in a teasing tone

"Tetsuya. I'm not joking. I'm serious. When i say you to talk, then talk. Because my order is absolute. No one dares to oppose me" Akashi say while staring intently at Kuroko

"Tch, Fine. I'll tell you" Kuroko say as he walked to Akashi's side and whispered something.

Everyone is watching Kuroko and Akashi. After Kuroko's dome whispering to Akashi, Akashi is widening his eyes and started to get furious while Kuroko just let out a small smirk. 'Kagami-kun, prepare yourself' Kuroko thought.

"Yo, Aominecchi, Momocchi, Murasakibaracchi~ How was the game?" Some familiar voice say

The people that were called just froze in place because of the scene in front of them

"Hey, what happened here?" Some familiar green-headed teen say while holding a little teddy bear on
his right hand

"D-Dai-chan.. Mukkun.. Should we told them..?" Whispered Momoi to the boys beside her

"Maybe we should, Satsuki.." Aomine say or maybe whispered back

"Hmm.. Yes Sacchin, we should tell them.." Murasakibara say while munching his snack

"Hey.. Why is everyone ignore me?" Kise whined like a little kid

"A-ah.. Ki-chan.. you see.." Momoi say as she explain what happened in the court.

"W-wha?! Kurokocchi did what?!" Kise say, almost yelled

"O-oi Kise! Pipe down will ya?!" Aomine say, or maybe scolded him

"Shut up Kise. But.. Is it really that Kuroko say that?" Midorima say with a disbelief tone and a doubting look to his former teammates and manager

"Well, i mean, Kuroko is a nice boy right?" He say again

"It's real Mido-chin. We saw it with our own eyes. Maybe Aka-chin will inform us what happened" Murasakibara say while still munching his snacks

The second quarter went well, but the air in the court is really heavy.

Then, it's break time for 10 minutes. This is the most awaited moment for the Generation of Miracle member.  They will find out what happened in the court earlier SOON.

"Kuroko, what did you say to Akashi earlier?" Kagami ask to Kuroko while drinking his drink

"None of your concern, Kagami-kun" Kuroko say with a dead-panned face while wiping his sweat with his towel

"O-Okay.." Kagami say while walking to his senpai and ask "Senpai, what's wrong with Kuroko?"
"How should i know?! You're the one with him right?!" Hyuuga, Seirin's Captain say.

'How dare he.. How dare he tainted Tetsuya's pure mind with that kind of thing?! I will tell them that. They must know' Akashi thought while typing an e-mail to his former teammates

'Who should I e-mail.. I bet all of them were in the same place now. So i will e-mail to Satsuki' He thought again

"Nee~ Sei-chan, what are you doing~?" Mibuchi say while trying to take a peek on what is Akashi's doing
Akashi, who noticed that, hurriedly close his phone and say "None of your business"

All of the Generation of Miracle members is waiting for a message from Akashi. They were right. Akashi is sending them an e-mail through Momoi's phone. The message is

'From : Akashi Seijuuro
To     : Momoi Satsuki
Sub   : Meet me later
Mess : I know all of you were watching from the same spot and i bet all of you has know the condition is, right? Let me say this straight, Kagami Taiga has tainted Tetsuya pure mind with his inappropriate words. After the match, we are going to give this Kagami Taiga a lesson. Meet me behind the stadium later. Everyone must come. This is an ORDER.'

"K-Kagamicchi did what?! No!! I can't believe it! My little Kurokocchi's pure mind has tainted by Kagamicchi inappropriate words?! What is it? Is the end of the world is near?!" Kise yelled in frustration while muttering some curse to Kagami

"Damn you Bakagami! How dare you tainted Tetsu's mind with that kind of word! I will make you see hell today!" Aomine say while tighten his fist

"Kagamin?! How dare you do that to my innocent Tetsu-kun?! I'm sure you will regret it!" Momoi say while biting the end of the handkerchief that she got from nowhere

Midorima and Murasakibara didn't say anything, but they were mad too, because Murasakibara is suddenly eating his snack in a super speed and Midorima is start squeezing his lucky item hardly.

"Oi Satsuki! Hurry up and tell Akashi we will go there later!" Aomine say to Momoi who still sobbing.

Momoi hurriedly typed the message to Akashi. "And... SEND!" She say as she press the 'Send' button on her phone.

After that, all member of Generation of Miracles plus Momoi let out a small smirk and mumbled

'Your end is near, Kagami/Bakagami/Kagamin/Kagamicchi/Kaga-chin'

While Akashi wiping his sweat, he received an e-mail from someone. That someone is none other than Momoi Satsuki. He opened the e-mail and read it while a smirk appeared on his face

'From : Momoi Satsuki
To      : Akashi Seijuuro
Sub    : Understand!
Mess  : Akashi-kun! Everyone is agree to meet you after the match! They say, they looking forward on beating Kagamin up! Me too! I'm going to teach him a lesson to not tainted Tetsu-kun pure mind!'

All Rakuzan member is shivering at the sight of Akashi's smirk with a murderous aura coming out from him.

'Hmm... Interesting..' he thought.

Kagami is still in the Seirin's resting place, suddenly his phone is vibrating followed by Kuroko's phone.

Kagami hurriedly opened his phone because 2 minutes more the game will started again. He read the e-mail and he widened his eyes at the e-mail

'From : Unknown
To       : Kagami Taiga
Sub    : Don't defy me
Mess  : Kagami Taiga. I know you were wondering who Am I, but I'm not going to tell you who am I. If you want to know who am I, meet me behind the stadium after your match. If you didn't come, you won't see the sun light forever.

'W-what the hell...' Kagami thought

'From : Akashi Seijuuro
To      : Kuroko Tetsuya
Sub    : Rest in ease
Mess  : Take it easy Tetsuya. I've took care of it already. he will regret his action. If you want to see, go to the behind of the stadium right after the match'

Kuroko let out a smirk and turned to Kagami while asking "Who is that, Kagami-kun?" with his usual poker face. Kagami turned to Kuroko and answer

"I don't know, but it says i should meet the sender after the match behind the stadium. Kuroko, should i go?" He asked Kuroko "In the end of the e-mail it says i wont see the sun rise anymore if i didn't come"

"Then, you should come." Kagami is frozen at Kuroko's reaction. Kuroko say that with his usual toneless voice. Usually, if one of your friends got a message like that, you would be really worried, right? Judged from Kuroko's reaction, it seems that he's not worried about Kagami at all, but he seems that he's looking forward to it. "Okay . . ." is only Kagami's reply.

"The second half, will begin now!" The announcer say. Both teams already in the position while Kuroko's benched. On the third quarter, Kagami felt that someone is glaring at him and he also felt someone is cursing him. He just shrugged and ignored it the whole quarter.

The fourth quarter is begin now. Kagami is shivering at the fact that Akashi is marking him now. But Akashi is not as calm as he in the first quarter. Now his eyes is shooting Kagami with a sharp glare. Not from him, but he just realized that he was glared too by the Generation of Miracles member plus Momoi. Actually, not just a glare, but all of them is throwing a curse to Kagami who didn't know anything. Near the end of the quarter, a really dangerous murderous aura is coming out from the rest of GoM plus Momoi and Akashi. Kagami is really scared to move, but he tried to ignored it because he still got a match now.

On the other hand, Kuroko is now looks a little happy at the end of the quarter. That's because after this moment, Kagami will feel the wrath of him and the rest of GoM member. When the match is over, the result is Rakuzan's win. Both team is thanking each other for the game and went to their school locker room.

On Rakuzan locker room, they saw Akashi hurriedly changed and pack his things while the other is confused with their captain's act. They won, but he seems displeased. No one know why because nobody dare to oppose him. After Akashi finished, he excused himself, saying that he has something to do. After that, he went to the back of the stadium. He walked slowly because he want Kagami to went there first.

On Seirin's Side, they walked silently to their locker room except for Kagami. Kagami was panicking because he's still hesitated to come or not. But in the end, he ran to the locker room and hurriedly changed his clothes and packed his things and ran to the back of the stadium. All of Seirin's team is wondering why Kagami's acting weird. They asked Kuroko, but Kuroko just shrugged while saying he don't know.  After that, Kuroko say that he has something to do so he went ahead.

The rest of GoM plus Momoi is walking toward the exit gate and headed toward the back of the stadium. They are really waiting for this moment to come. They walked calmly and silently until Kise break the silent.

"I can't wait to beat the crap out of Kagamicchi-ssu!" He says while raising his fist to the air.

Suddenly, someone is holding Kise's shoulder. Kise is shivering because he thought it was a ghost until he heard a voice behind him. "Ryota" After hearing his name were called, he slowly turned his head toward the sound source and say "A-Akashicchi! Don't surprise me like that-ssu. . . ."

"Ah, Did I surprise you? So should we go there together?" Akashi say as he ignored Kise

"Hm! But, did you tell Tetsu-kun about this, Akashi-kun?" Momoi ask to Akashi

"I told Tetsuya. And I'm sure he will come. . ." He say while let out a small smirk

They walked toward the back of the stadium and spotted Kagami's already there. All of them went slowly to Kagami while Momoi stayed behind and say "Pummel him to the ground for me, Dai-chan!" while punching the air

Kagami has arrived to the place that the e-mail sender said. He waited for a few seconds but nobody comes. Because tired of waiting, he say "Man, that was a prank. . . How can i believe that prank. . !" while he punched the wall.

"Ah? A prank. ? No, it's not a prank. Sorry for the wait. Kagami Taiga" a very, familiar voice say. He turned to the source of the sound and startled at the very familiar figure. A rainbow colored haired teen boy, none other than Kise Ryota, Aomine Daiki, Murasakibara Atsushi, Midorima Shintaro, and their captain, Akashi Seijuuro.

Kagami's jaw dropped to the ground. Until he sense some murderous aura coming from them. Akashi who noticed that, let out a sweet smile (read: evil smirk) and say "I believe you were wondering why are we here"

Kagami nodded slowly and Akashi continued his word "That's because. . ." Kagami didn't hear the rest of Akashi explanation because he saw behind Akashi were the member of GoM cracking their fist while let out a smirk.

'Crap . . . .' is what Kagami's thought

Kuroko ran to the back of the stadium and spotted Momoi, he went to her and ask what is she doing there.

"Ah, Tetsu-kun! I'm watching something fun!" She says with her usual cheerful face. "May I join? I want to see Kagami-kun's expression" Kuroko replied with a smirk on his face. "Sure!" Momoi replied.

Kuroko took a peak and saw Kagami were cornered by the GoM. Kuroko took his cellphone out and type an e-mail to Kagami. After that, he close his phone and continued to watch the show.

Kagami, who were cornered by the member of GoM can only shivered at the sight. "So, mind telling us why are you tainting Tetsuya's pure mind with your inappropriate word?" Akashi say. Kagami were to confused to answer, so he hesitantly say "What. . Did you mean exactly. . . ?"

"Don't act all innocent, Kagamicchi! Even tough Aominecchi is a pervert, he never tainted Kurokocchi's mind with that!" Kise yelled, the word he says make Aomine pissed. "Hey . . !" is what Aomine say before he were cut by Midorima. "I can't believe it. How dare you do that to Kuroko. It's not like i care about Kuroko anyway" He say while pushing his glasses.

'Go! Dai-chan! Mukkun! Ki-chan! Midorin and Akashi-kun! Beat the crap out of Kagamin! Don't let him see the sun anymore!' Momoi thought as she squeezed a handkerchief.
'Kagami-kun, Good luck on surviving' Kuroko thought while seeing the scene in front of him

"According to Oha-Asa, today is the worst day for Leo. Leo's today lucky item is a wristband by the way" Midorima say again while fixing his glasses again. "So, Taiga. You just lose to me on the match, and now you were going to lose your life. Today is really the worst day for you. Prepare to suffer" Akashi say as they move closer to Kagami. Suddenly, Kagami's phone is vibrating and he took his cellphone out to check it.

He opened the e-mail and read it. He widened his eyes while reading the e-mail. After that, Murasakibara took Kagami's phone and throw it lightly while saying "No calling comrades, Kaga-chin" Kagami gulped and screamed /manly/ 'Damn you, Kuroko!!' He mentally yelled to himself.

'From : Kuroko Tetsuya
To      : Kagami Taiga
Sub    : Feel my wrath
Mess  : Kagami-kun, good luck on surviving. It's your own fault because you spilled my milkshake. Feel my wrath. I hope you learned your lessons'



What do you think~? Sorry if it's not funny -,- I'm an amateur on writing Humor story ._. Please go easy with me! *bow*
So, thank you for reading this project of mine~! Love you so much!
Gomen! If there's any typo! Honto ni gomenasai!

Mizuki Tamaya

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