Fairy Tail

Do fairies really have tails? Do they even exist. . Like them, this place as an eternal mystery . . A never ending adventure!

Lucy Heartfilia

I made a promise to live on for the sake of my future self! I'm going to see many more sunsets... and shed countless more tears of joy and sadness!

Natsu Dragneel

When we're all alone, it might be to frightening to bear... but we're all right beside each other. We've got our friends close by! Now, there's nothing to fear! Because we're not alone!

Erza Scarlet

It is always sad to part with those whom you love but your companions will help you bear that sadness.


We're not your puppets!! We are... Mages of Fairy Tail!

Archive for 2015

Fairy Tail Episode 236 - Tartaros Arc Prologue : The White Inheritance

Monday, June 8, 2015
Posted by Jekkicchi
Natsu is back to fight Jackal

Natsu confronts Jackal and overpowers him at first; however, the Demon Gate's curse displays a formidable side effect, knocking Salamander unconscious. After he dispatches Lucy and Wendy, Jackal chases the run-away Michello and makes Lucy choose between Michello's life or a pregnant woman's, but is interrupted by Natsu again, who already knows how to deal with the Tartaros man's power.

Summary :

Jackal causes the town to explodeAs Natsu and Jackal glare at each other, the Fairy Tail Mages recognize the bomber as the perpetrator who took down the Magic Council single-handedly. Jackal smirks and proceeds to do several hand gestures and generate power, causing the wind to blow and several explosions to emerge from the town they are in, successfully hitting all buildings in the vicinity. Shocked, Lucy quickly remarks that the town has nothing to do with Jackal's business. Natsu, on the other hand, proceeds to charge on to the Tartaros man, who attempts to counter the Fire Dragon Slayer with his explosion. Much to Jackal's shock, Natsu, who seemingly took a direct hit, eats the explosions, with Happy explaining his partner's affinity when it comes to Magic relating to heat and explosions. Natsu overpowers Jackal with his Magic and continues to repeatedly attack him. Michello shakes at Natsu's display of power, mentally saying that it is his first time witnessing a Fairy Tail wizard's fight against somebody.

Jackal tries to say something to Natsu, but the latter still continues to physically attack him - with the people around him saying he is going overboard already. Michello, on the other hand, mentally worries about Face, Tartaros' possible goal, that anyone on the Council hardly knows about. The former councilman panics and says he needs to take his leave immediately. The others find this strange, and Natsu asks him to tell them what he knows, that of which he continues to turn down.

Bomb CurseHearing what they conversed about, Jackal sits up from his position and proposes that if the old man shares some useful information, he might reconsider his goal of killing the former member of the Council. Moreover, the Fairy Tail members display their shock as to why the man stood up, given the intense beating he took from Natsu. Michello insistently claims that he knows nothing and orders the Mages to dispose Jackal at once. The Tartaros guy stands up once again, and tells Natsu to listen if someone is talking to him. Afterwards, Lucy exasperatedly notices Natsu's hands illuminating with strange markings. Jackal explains that his curse grants him the ability to turn anything he touches into an explosive, consequently asking Natsu how many times he has touched him already. As the markings begin to illuminate even brighter, Natsu orders the others to get away from him as far as possible. The others reluctantly obey and run away from him. Natsu tremendously explodes and gets knocked to the ground unconscious.

Michello disrespectfully remarks that the Fire Dragon Slayer is all about bark and no bite, and afterwards, scared of the possible thing Jackal will do to him. Jackal slowly approaches, demanding Michello to tell him what he knows in order for him to spare his life, only to take his granddaughter's instead. Michello refuses and runs away from the Tartaros man, who chases him. Lucy and Wendy then work together to try stop Jackal. Wendy uses her Magic but Jackal successfully stops every attack by dispersing them with his explosions. Lucy tries to help by summoning Scorpio, but Jackal counters his Magic with his powerful explosives. Scorpio continues to attack but causes the others to not see properly because of the sand, forcing Lucy to make him go back.

Lucy fights for the guildCarla and Happy comment and praise the power of Jackal's Magic, to which he explains as something even more powerful - a Curse, something far more superior which all members of Tartaros use instead of Magic. He states that mere Wizards can't beat them and casts a powerful explosive spell, damaging and throwing Wendy and Lucy away. Jackal says goodbye, and proceeds to jump from roof to roof to chase Michello, leaving Michelia to worry. Lucy ask Wendy to heal Natsu as she goes after Jackal. Michello is seen running around town, hopelessly asking for help from the townspeople; however, Jackal finds him, commenting on how he left his granddaughter for the sake of his own life.

Lucy appears and attempts to summon a Celestial Spirit but is interrupted at Jackal's sudden warning, that if she moves while stepping on a cursed mine, she will explode. Townspeople recognize Lucy and her participation in the Grand Magic Games. Due to the abundance of people around, Jackal thinks of an idea. Michello and a random woman from the crowd are then engulfed in a sphere. Jackal threatens everyone about a future explosion, causing them to run away in fear. The Curse user leaves Lucy with a hard choice, saying that he will only detonate only one of the two, according to the Fairy Tail Mage's decision. As the others struggle to wake Natsu up, Lucy painfully thinks of what to decide - to save Michello, their intent in the first place, or the pregnant woman. Jackal states humans are simply toys and tells Lucy that she only has ten seconds to decide and she shouldn't move, otherwise, she will explode and both of the trapped people die.

Roasted NatsuWith Jackal about to demand Lucy's choice, Natsu comes from above and punches the man's face, cancelling both Jackal's landmine and spheres. Happy and Carla offer to take the pregnant woman to a safe place, and Natsu smacks Michello to sleep for pissing him off. With the others warning Salamander about the superiority of a Curse to Magic, Jackal states that Natsu touched him again, but the latter says he has the hang of it. Just as the marking from his body is about to explode, Natsu eats the explosion, barely damaging himself, much to the others' joy.

I can't help but think that Jackal is cute every time I saw him XD

Fairy Tail Episode 234 - Tartaros Arc Prologue: The Nine Demon Gates

Monday, May 25, 2015
Posted by Jekkicchi
Nine Demon Gates make their move

Hello guys~!
The most long-awaited arc is finally here~

The Magic Council members discuss on their conference room regarding the sudden loss of the Dark Guilds affiliated with Tartaros and the possible causes of such events. However, a member of the said guild, Jackal, infiltrates their headquarters and successfully bombs it, consequently killing every member except for Doranbolt. The core members of Tartaros, the Nine Demon Gates, prepare to head out and show everyone the power of the underworld and their devotion to Zeref. Meanwhile, on the 8-Island Restaurant, Yajima and the Thunder God Tribe is attacked by a mysterious cloaked figure, who aims to kill even the former council members.

Summary :

Gran Doma makes his moveThe members of the Magic Council, including Doranbolt and Lahar on guard, assemble on the conference room for a meeting. The said people converse about the sudden disappearance of every Dark Guild working for Tartaros, to which Gran Doma comments as an unwelcome favor to them. The Council then debate over the cause of the issue, notably mentioning the possible participation of both Crime Sorcière and Fairy Tail. Org remarks that it is also possible that Tartaros themselves are the ones who took their guilds down. The group laugh at such thought, but Org states that the guild may be pruning off their weak forces and have no need for them in some sort of preparation. As the members continue to disapprove Org's opinion, Gran Doma agrees that such thing is possible, and says that the Magic Council must come together and make a move to take out the Dark Guild as soon as possible.

Jackal attacks OrgSuddenly, a messenger quickly rushes to the room and disrupts the meeting, claiming that there is an intruder in Era. The warning is quickly followed by a huge explosion which crashes the Magic Council building and sends the members flying. Moments later, Doranbolt wakes up in bruises and finds Lahar nearby, who doesn't seem to respond. Wandering around, he spots the other members of the Council not moving an inch. Shouting if anyone is still alive, Doranbolt struggles through the debris, and is relieved upon seeing Org conscious. As he tries to move closer to the man, a figure suddenly appears behind Org, and slams his head on the ground. The man then states that he cannot let him live, for his ultimate goal is to eliminate all of the Council members; afterwards, he prepares to end Org's life too by powering up a spell. Doranbolt pleads the man to stop, but Org orders him to escape, claiming that it would be pointless for him to die too. The infiltrator laughs and says that no one could ever dare escape his explosions. He then introduces himself as Jackal, a member of Tartaros' Nine Demon Gates, and proceeds to send another powerful explosion to Era as Doranbolt screams Org's name.

Meanwhile, at the Fairy Tail Guild, the members relax and enjoy themselves with their friends. Erza confronts Makarov about Minerva's recent involvement with Succubus Eye. The two claims that they intend to report it to the Magic Council. On the other hand, Juvia continues to try to win Gray by baking him personalized buns despite the latter's rejection. Due to Gray's refusal to take the buns, Elfman eats them instead. Acknowledging Juvia's effort for baking for him, Gray proceeds to try a piece anyways.

E.N.D. researched by Fairy TailThe Fairy Tail Dragon Slayers, along with their Exceeds, and Lucy listen to Levy's findings regarding E.N.D., which is apparently a Demon from the Books of Zeref, more powerful than Deliora or Lullaby. Pantherlily then asks what the books are, with Carla explaining that having one of the books can allow one to summon a Demon created by Zeref. The thought of Tartaros having the book of E.N.D. troubles them further. Commenting that Igneel tried and failed to destroy E.N.D., Natsu playfully vows to beat every bits of Tartaros, to which Gajeel agrees to. Lucy disapproves Natsu's careless intention and the Dragon Slayers comment that they may find some information regarding their foster Dragon parents' whereabouts. Jet and Droy quickly barges in the guild, much to the shock of everyone.

Doranbolt threatens Cobra in his cellAt the destroyed headquarters of the Council, Doranbolt proceeds downstairs into the underground cells where he confronts Cobra, who claims to be expecting the man. Doranbolt persuades the prisoner to tell him everything he knows about Tartaros, but Cobra demands the release of all the Oración Seis members. Doranbolt claims that he has no authority of doing so and mentions that all of the Council members above have been assassinated, which slightly shocks the Poison Dragon Slayer. Angered by Cobra's chuckle and insult to the deceased members, Doranbolt teleports inside the cell and aims a knife at Cobra's neck as he persuades him further in order to know everything about Tartaros. Unfazed by Doranbolt's threat, Cobra still refuses to tell all he knows unless his comrades escape, but agrees to tell Doranbolt one thing.

Kyouka announces the start of their planConcurrently, Kyôka, along with some armored people, meets with Silver on their guild hall. The two take time to greet each other and the woman notices and questions why the man is in his human form. Replying that he likes such form, the two enter a room and Kyôka asks for Jackal and Tempesta's whereabouts. Another Tartaros member answers her, who says that the two are out on missions. Kyôka then smirks at this, claiming that their plan has already begun. Seven of the Nine Demon Gates then move out, with Kyôka vowing to show the humans their power.

Back at the underground cell, Cobra tells Doranbolt that none of the Tartaros members are human, and that they are all Demons from the Books of Zeref, with their master being E.N.D., the most powerful Demon of all.

Sayla comments on Ezel's impatienceInside their headquarters, Nine Demon Gates member Franmalth questions what the cost of the council members' life is. When Torafusa scolds him for his behavior, claiming that their dignity is being stained, Ezel claims that Demons, like themselves, have no such thing and expresses his urge to go out and kill, asking for permission to do so. Another member, Sayla tells him that he must wait as there exists a proper order in their intent. Kyôka agrees to the other woman, and declares that hell has just began and that all that they will do is for their master, Zeref.

At 8-Island Restaurant, Yajima shows his shock for the bombarding of the Magic Council. Freed asks for more details, and Bickslow states that all nine council members were murdered. Furthermore, Yajima claims that there are actually one hundred and nineteen casualties. As the other two men bring up Yajima's fortunate quitting from the council, Evergreen walks in and commands all three to be serious with their jobs. Her fellow Thunder God Tribe members comments on her waitress outfit, and how it does not suit her. Evergreen then reveals that they took the easy job due to the load of difficult ones after their guild's victory over the Grand Magic Games. Freed, Bickslow, and Evergreen says that they are good at cooking, dishing, and sex appeal respectively.

Laxus appearsYajima wonders where Laxus went off to. Bickslow guesses the man probably got lost, and Freed says the Lightning Mage is hopeless, for even he can't run simple errands. A strange cloaked visitor suddenly enters the restaurant and mumbles a word, eventually making a tornado appear and, thus, destroying the restaurant. The said visitor turns himself into a tornado and proceeds to rush over to Yajima, but Bickslow and Freed block his path. However, the intruder manages to simply throw the two men away by just touching them. He then goes after Yajima again, but Evergreen attacks him with her Magic; however, the man counters and leaves her injured with his powerful tornado. Yajima, approached by the powerful man, asks who the guy is. The cloaked being answers that he has no name, and states he is a member of the Nine Demon Gates. The Fairy Tail Mages struggle to move, but appears to be unable to because of the man's doing. Taking the opportunity, the intruder grabs Yajima by the neck and proceeds to kill the old man. The others then realize the man is from Tartaros and the guild is after the former council members as well. However, just as Yajima is about to be killed, Laxus' lightning comes from above and successfully stops the intent of the cloaked stranger. Saying that though he was unsure of his way back, Laxus claims that he has no doubts on killing the intruder.

Fairy Tail Episode 233 - Song of the Fairies

Monday, May 18, 2015
Posted by Jekkicchi
Warrod and Fairies

Hello~ Sorry for the late post--"
I've started to take a liking to Gintama and. . .
Yeah, I got carried away and forgot about Fairy Tail--"

As the giants and Team Natsu celebrate their victory, Minerva ends up meeting Kyouka, one of the Nine Demon Gates of Tartarus. After the giants welcome Flare back, the team goes back to Warrod, where they find out that the latter is one of the founding member of Fairy Tail.

Summary :

Natsu partying with the giantsWith the village being brought back to normal, the giants celebrate the Mages' victory, being thankful to them. As Wendy and Gray start to eat with them, Erza arrives, wanting to know what exactly happened to the village. After Lucy tells her it was attacked by an Ice Devil Slayer, the giants tell them that facing the enemy with their weapons is all they can remember. Lucy then proceeds by saying that the culprit has mistaken Atlas Flame for a Demon, with Erza coming to an obvious conclusion that he did it due to the misunderstanding. Gray then explains the group when Doriate told him they've opened the gates of Hell, with Erza immediately figuring out it's Tartarus he was talking about, meaning that the Devil Slayer must've been its member. Due to the mentioned facts, the team starts to think there might be another reason for freezing the village, being the one they don't know about.

Flare returns back homeAfterwards, Lucy wonders about Flare, finding her to be hiding behind a tree. As she calls her name, the giants suddenly get serious, wanting to see her. With Flare thinking she won't be accepted back, the giants see her as she grew up, even though being still tiny to them. They then proceed by asking her about her experiences with the outside world and after Flare answers their question, they start smirking, telling her that the Sun Village will always be her home, no matter where she goes, subsequently welcoming her back, making her cry out of happiness. Fairy Tail Mages are happy for her, especially Lucy, who starts to cry after seeing her smile so warmly after a long time. As the evening comes, the Mages and the giants spend their night by talking, eating and having fun in general.

Kyouka AppearsMeanwhile, Minerva comes back to the Succubus Eye headquarters, finding it to be in havoc. As she wanders around, she finds out that the hall is filled with many puppets of some sort. Soon after, someone comes in, turning out to be Kyouka of the Nine Demon Gates of Tartarus, who clears Minerva's suspicions by telling her that her own Magic enhances people. Minerva then starts to think it could be a punishment for failing her mission, showing signs of fear. Kyouka, however, doesn't care about Silver's personal request he wanted them to do, proceeding by telling the latter that she is looking for more recruits due to an incoming assault Tartarus is planning. As Minerva refers to her as a fool for slaughtering the others instead of recruiting them, Kyouka calls them weakling, using her Magic on Minerva afterwards.

The next day, Mages head back to Warrod to give him a report about their completed job, as well as to receive a reward for completing it. However, they end up being exhausted due to the long way back. As they rest, Lucy remembers when the giants and Flare saluted them when they departed. Briefly after, the team continues their trek, eventually starting to wonder about the reward for their job, thinking it might be big due to the client being one of the Ten Wizard Saints. When they arrive back to Warrod and tell him about their success, Warrod responds by expressing his pride in them. Gray then wonders what happened to the Hunters all of a sudden, with Lucy telling him about their defeat. Regardless, Warrod is surprised that Tartarus is involved and then rewards the team with a potato, greatly disappointing them.

In the evening, the girls visit a hot spring, wanting to relax after their hard work. In the meantime, Warrod has made a dinner for the Mages, with the boys starting to eat already. As the girls come, Warrod offers them a tea with healing properties, turning to be more bitter than they expected. Warrod then reveals himself to be one of the founding members of Fairy Tail, still having his guild mark. This greatly shocks the team, but, due to that fact, it explains Makarov's reaction to Warrod's job request. Warrod then proceeds by telling the group he's happy he met them, going further by telling them that the bonds between the members are all that matter, after which he quotes Fairy Tail's founding words. Due to Warrod's obvious old age, Natsu wonders if he could know something about E.N.D., with the former not having knowledge about it. He does, however, tell about the mysteriousness of such Dark Guild, as well as its demonic rituals, scaring the team to think that there' a Demon in Tartarus. Natsu, however, gets fired up, wanting to fight them to gain more knowledge, all the while not knowing he is hitting Erza, getting petrified of fear upon finding that out.

Fairy Tail Episode 232 - Voice of The Flame

Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Posted by Jekkicchi
Atlas Flame is revealed

Ahoy~ I'm back!

Determined to save the village, Gray uses his Ice-Make to melt the ice, however, he finds the Eternal Flame to be almost gone afterwards. Natsu, who is in the midst of a battle, directs his flames to resurrect the Eternal Flame, defeating the Cyclops Monster in process. The Eternal Flame, revealed to be Atlas Flame, then proceeds melting the ice in the village, saving it.

Summary :

Natsu attacks CyclopsWith Gray thinking he can melt the Eternal Flame, Natsu takes on the Cyclops Monster, initiating with Fire Dragon's Claw and effectively knocking it back. However, Cyclops retaliates, clutching Natsu with its talons before throwing him up in the air. As Lucy starts to worry, Natsu clears her worries and proceeds by attacking the monster with Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame.

Meanwhile, while on the run, Gray is still wondering about the mysterious properties of the ice he used through his body to defeat Doriate. Now arriving at the Eternal Flame's location, Gray uses his Ice-Make to thaw it. Such act proves to be efficient as steam starts coming out of the frozen flame, eventually being melted completely. However, as it gets melted, it appears that there was nothing in the ice at all, devastating everyone in the process. As Gray starts blaming himself, Wendy senses presence of powerful Magic, turning out to be right as the fire appears at the thawed altar, albeit very weak, requiring Natsu's flames to rejuvenate it. Due to that, Lucy calls for Natsu, who is still fighting Cyclops, with the latter starting to use his Eye Beam, moderately damaging him while others dodge the attack. Changing his focus, Cyclops gets about to use his laser on frozen giants. To prevent that from happening, Natsu uses his Fire Dragon's Roar, redirecting its laser and greatly damaging it. Natsu then bounces off of one of the giants' head to propel himself to the monster, dealing massive damage on impact. Continuing his assault, Natsu uses Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame and causes a rain of fire, shaking the ground and alerting everyone present in the village. Ultimately, Natsu uses his Crimson Lotus: Exploding Flame Blade, defeating the Cyclops Monster once and for all.

Gray sees Atlas Flame's appearanceAlso, by doing his attack, Natsu manages to bring Eternal Flame back to its former glory. Wanting to see it from the sky, Natsu tells Happy to carry him up in the air. He then says that the voice has been coming from the fire itself all along. After that, Eternal Flame turns out to be Atlas Flame, his soul being shaped in the current form with the use of Wendy's Milky Way. Atlas recognizes Natsu as Igneel's son, but is unable to recollect any memories about his past, most likely due to being frozen for a very long time. Expressing her curiosity, Flare desires to know want happened and Atlas replies by telling everyone that the whole village was frozen by a single human, greatly shocking everyone in the process. Going further with his story, Atlas states that such person was a Devil Slayer, having mistaken him for a Demon and thus freezing him solid. Despite all of this, Atlas still can't remember who the exact person was. Nevertheless, Flare begs for his help on thawing the village. Being the one himself who created the village in the first place, Atlas Flame starts radiating heat, all the while suddenly remembering about everything he forgot about, including E.N.D., the strongest Demon from the Books of Zeref whom even Igneel didn't manage to defeat.

Silver's full appearanceHaving done his job, Atlas Flame manages to melt to whole village, elsewhere making Erza happy while angering Minerva, who gets away, telling Erza that she'll settle the conflicts with her eventually. As Erza tells her not to get consumed by the darkness for the last time, Minerva doesn't listen, stating her desire to cover the whole world in darkness. Back to the main group, Flare starts crying, happy to see her home being brought back to life. Atlas Flame then disappears, with everyone paying respect for his noble act. Briefly after, Gray remember about the Devil Slayer Atlas was talking about, soon turning out to be Silver, who is paying a visit to a grave. At the same place, Tartarus messenger arrives to tell Silver about his obligation to return to the headquarters as soon as possible, being intimidated by the former at the same time. Silver then clears all the intimidation by telling the latter that he only occupies himself with Demons.

WoHooo~ Tartarus arc is coming~ 
Can't wait for it~
Oh, right now, I don't know why, but I started to like Gintama
No one knows the reason why XD
That's all, see ya later~

Fairy Tail Episode 230 - The Devil Returns

Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Posted by Jekkicchi
Doriate grabs Gray

Hey~ I know. Late update. Sorry.
I have an exam next week, so I can't update. This episode has been aired on April 25.
But because I'm busy, studying, I forgot to update.
So, here you are~

As Flare is fighting against the Hunters of the Sylph Labyrinth, along with Lucy and Wendy, Erza finds herself under Minerva's attack. Meanwhile, Natsu is still searching for the familiar voice, all the while Gray ends up encountering Doriate, falling victim to his Magic as well.

Summary :

Cancer fixes Flare's hairAs Flare arrives to save the girls, Lucy and Wendy are confused to see her. As Wendy thanks her, Lucy wonders how Flare managed to find them, with the latter responding by saying she followed her all along, revealing that the Sun Village is her home, supporting her statement with the emblem she received. Flare then proceeds by saying that giants raised her but were frozen when she came back. She then accuses Hunters for freezing the giants, but they respond by saying they've come to take the Eternal Flame. Angry to hear those words, Flare states that the flame is the guardian deity of the village and thus cannot be taken. She then starts to attack with her hair but Hiroshi cuts it off. In order to restore her hair, Lucy summons Cancer to help her.

Flare attacks HiroshiSupporting Flare, Wendy and Lucy decide to fight as well, with the former being happy to hear that. Now strengthened, Flare attacks Hiroshi once more, albeit successfully, knocking him off the battleground. Lala then proceeds to attack Wendy with his Stronger but Wendy counters the attack with her Sky Dragon's Claw. Meanwhile, Drake starts shooting at Lucy, who is dodging the attacks and eventually summoning Sagittarius, who pierces the bullets coming their way. Lucy then summons Virgo to attack Drake by burrowing into the ground, with the latter not being able to do so due to the frozen floor. After a brief moment, Drake manages to defeat Sagittarius. In the meantime, Flare attacks with Hair Shower - Wolf Fang but Hiroshi cuts her hair once again. Flare then expresses her pride, subsequently attacking with Hair Shower - Firefly Flame, temporarily defeating Hiroshi. Lala then manages to catch Wendy with Stronger, holding her in his clutch, all the while Lucy is evading Drake's attacks. Flare tries to help the Celestial Spirit Mage but due to losing focus Hiroshi manages to tie her hair in a knot. With the girls now appearing to stand no chance, the Hunters point out their strength, ending up mocking the girls in the process.

Flare's smileHowever, Lucy replies by telling them to never pick a fight against Mages, as Wendy uses Offensive Strengthening Arms to free herself from Lala's clutch while Flare extends her hair to bind Hiroshi completely. At the same time, Lucy summons Leo, who kicks Drake out of sight. Wendy then uses her Sky Dragon's Wing Attack while Flare attacks with Hair Shower - Thousand Birds, all the while Lucy and Virgo kick Drake, ending up defeating Hunters in the process. Successful in stopping the Hunters, Flare shows a warm smile.

Happy and Carla hideElsewhere, Happy and Carla are still looking for Natsu but they end up hiding from the mysterious Cyclops Monster. At the same time, Erza tries to convince Minerva to quit being a Dark Mage but the latter doesn't care as she starts her assault against a helpless Mage. Meanwhile, Natsu is still running away. Back to the girls, Flare starts recounting her childhood story, being a human raised by giants who treated her as family but leaving due to being too different. She then proceeds by saying that she was scared when she first met humans and after some time ended up in Raven Tail she knew nothing about of at that time. Lucy and Wendy comfort her, making her cry. Thinking they can melt the village with Eternal Flame, Flare decides to lead them there. Carla and Happy, however, are still hiding from an unknown monster.

Kid Erza attacked by MinervaAt the same time, Natsu is still following the voice, wondering when he will come back to his normal state. Back to Erza, she is still under Minerva's attack, who desires to continue her torment to compensate for the humiliation she received during the Grand Magic Games. Having nothing to defend herself, Erza starts wondering if the effects of the Magic will go away if the caster is defeated.

Gray becomes a kidSimultaneously, Gray ends up being lost and notices Doriate, being shocked to see his monstrous mouth. Doriate then responds by turning Gray into a child as well, subsequently starting to climb up the hill rapidly. Gray then suddenly starts remembering his painful memories, with Doriate telling him that it's an another effect of his Magic. He then proceeds to grab him, mocking and, at the same time, angering Gray in the process. To strengthen his will, Ultear appears in his mind to help him and so Gray manages to free himself. He then asks Doriate if he is the one behind the freezing of the village, with the latter not revealing it. Thinking he is the one who did it, Gray desires to show him real Ice Magic. Meanwhile, Erza is still suffering damage from Minerva's attacks. The latter then proceeds to deal the final blow and manages to take Erza's sword and point it at her. While running, Flare swears she will bring the giants back to normal, all the while Natsu finally manages to find the source of the voice at the mountain formation.

Noria - Raggs Requiem (07-Ghost)

Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Posted by Jekkicchi

Okay, some of you might have heard this song(maybe). BUT! I really love this song, so I decided to post it! Ugh! I can't even express how much I love this song >///< I shall write it's full version!

Title : Raggs Requiem / Rags no Chinkonka
Artist : Noria
This song covered for episodes twenty to twenty-five

Romanji Lyric :

Hoshi ni yuuki ni kioku ni
Kimi no ashiato sagasu
Douka towa no yasuragi
Koko wa yume no tochuu de

Osanai tsubasa de sakamichi kaketeku
Michi kara hagurete kono me wo tojiteku

Hoshi ni yuuki ni kioku ni
Kimi no ashiato sagasu
Douka towa no yasuragi
Koko wa yume no tochuu de

Itsuka subete modorite
Sora no hate hitorikiri
Anata ga matsu yasuragi
Hikari no ato nokoshite

Osanai tsubasa de sakamichi kaketeku
Michi kara hagurete kono me wo tojiteku

Yume ni ai ni kokoro ni
Kimi no ashiato sagasu
Towa no hikari nokoshite
Yurugi no nai tsubasa de

Towa no ai wo anata ni

English Lyric :

Through the stars, snow and memories
I'm looking for your footprints
I pray you rest peacefully for all eternity
This is the middle of the dream

With wings that still can't fly, I run up the hill
When I stray from the path I close my eyes and keep going

Through the stars, snow and memories
I'm looking for your footprints
I pray you rest peacefully for all eternity
This is the middle of the dream

Someday everything will return to what it was
The one place on the top of the sky
is peacefully within you
Trusting the future after the light in good hands

With the wings that still can't fly, I run up the hill
When I stray from the path I close my eyes and keep going

Through the dreams, love and emotion
I'm looking for you footprints
Leaving behind the light of eternity
with your unwavering wings

May you have eternal love

 There you have it!
No matter how many times I heard this song, I still act like it's the first time I've ever heard it >///<
Right, almost forgot. This song is from an anime called 07-Ghost. I just love the main character XD For everyone that never watch it, you should! It's really good! BUT, no matter what, the main character, Teito Klein(oops) is mine XD (Just Kidding~) no seriously, I'm a big fan of him.

Sorry for my bad grammar, English is not my main language ^^


Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Posted by Jekkicchi
COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM Portret van Raden Ajeng Kartini TMnr 10018776.jpg


Di hari yang spesial bagi kita semua, izinkan saya berbagi sedikit tentang Ibu kita Kartini ini.

Raden Adjeng Kartini (lahir di Jepara, Jawa Tengah, 21 April 1879 – meninggal di Rembang, Jawa Tengah, 17 September 1904 pada umur 25 tahun) atau sebenarnya lebih tepat disebut Raden Ayu Kartini adalah seorang tokoh suku Jawa dan Pahlawan Nasional Indonesia. Kartini dikenal sebagai pelopor kebangkitan perempuan pribumi.

Biografi :

Raden Adjeng Kartini berasal dari kalangan priyayi atau kelas bangsawan Jawa. Ia merupakan putri dari Raden Mas Adipati Ario Sosroningrat, seorang patih yang diangkat menjadi bupati Jepara segera setelah Kartini lahir. Kartini adalah putri dari istri pertama, tetapi bukan istri utama. Ibunya bernama M.A. Ngasirah, putri dari Nyai Haji Siti Aminah dan Kyai Haji Madirono, seorang guru agama di Telukawur, Jepara. Dari sisi ayahnya, silsilah Kartini dapat dilacak hingga Hamengkubuwana VI. Garis keturunan Bupati Sosroningrat bahkan dapat ditilik kembali ke istana Kerajaan Majapahit. Semenjak Pangeran Dangirin menjadi bupati Surabaya pada abad ke-18, nenek moyang Sosroningrat mengisi banyak posisi penting di Pangreh Praja.

Ayah Kartini pada mulanya adalah seorang wedana di Mayong. Peraturan kolonial waktu itu mengharuskan seorang bupati beristerikan seorang bangsawan. Karena M.A. Ngasirah bukanlah bangsawan tinggi, maka ayahnya menikah lagi dengan Raden Adjeng Woerjan (Moerjam), keturunan langsung Raja Madura. Setelah perkawinan itu, maka ayah Kartini diangkat menjadi bupati di Jepara menggantikan kedudukan ayah kandung R.A. Woerjan, R.A.A. Tjitrowikromo.

Kartini adalah anak ke-5 dari 11 bersaudara kandung dan tiri. Dari kesemua saudara sekandung, Kartini adalah anak perempuan tertua. Kakeknya, Pangeran Ario Tjondronegoro IV, diangkat bupati dalam usia 25 tahun dan dikenal pada pertengahan abad ke-19 sebagai salah satu bupati pertama yang memberi pendidikan Barat kepada anak-anaknya. Kakak Kartini, Sosrokartono, adalah seorang yang pintar dalam bidang bahasa. Sampai usia 12 tahun, Kartini diperbolehkan bersekolah di ELS (Europese Lagere School). Di sini antara lain Kartini belajar bahasa Belanda. Tetapi setelah usia 12 tahun, ia harus tinggal di rumah karena sudah bisa dipingit.

Karena Kartini bisa berbahasa Belanda, maka di rumah ia mulai belajar sendiri dan menulis surat kepada teman-teman korespondensi yang berasal dari Belanda. Salah satunya adalah Rosa Abendanon yang banyak mendukungnya. Dari buku-buku, koran, dan majalah Eropa, Kartini tertarik pada kemajuan berpikir perempuan Eropa. Timbul keinginannya untuk memajukan perempuan pribumi, karena ia melihat bahwa perempuan pribumi berada pada status sosial yang rendah.

Kartini banyak membaca surat kabar Semarang De Locomotief yang diasuh Pieter Brooshooft, ia juga menerima leestrommel (paket majalah yang diedarkan toko buku kepada langganan). Di antaranya terdapat majalah kebudayaan dan ilmu pengetahuan yang cukup berat, juga ada majalah wanita Belanda De Hollandsche Lelie. Kartini pun kemudian beberapa kali mengirimkan tulisannya dan dimuat di De Hollandsche Lelie. Dari surat-suratnya tampak Kartini membaca apa saja dengan penuh perhatian, sambil membuat catatan-catatan. Kadang-kadang Kartini menyebut salah satu karangan atau mengutip beberapa kalimat. Perhatiannya tidak hanya semata-mata soal emansipasi wanita, tapi juga masalah sosial umum.

Kartini melihat perjuangan wanita agar memperoleh kebebasan, otonomi dan persamaan hukum sebagai bagian dari gerakan yang lebih luas. Di antara buku yang dibaca Kartini sebelum berumur 20, terdapat judul Max Havelaar dan Surat-Surat Cinta karya Multatuli, yang pada November 1901 sudah dibacanya dua kali. Lalu De Stille Kraacht (Kekuatan Gaib) karya Louis Coperus. Kemudian karya Van Eeden yang bermutu tinggi, karya Augusta de Witt yang sedang-sedang saja, roman-feminis karya Nyonya Goekoop de-Jong Van Beek dan sebuah roman anti-perang karangan Berta Von Suttner, Die Waffen Nieder (Letakkan Senjata). Semuanya berbahasa Belanda.

Oleh orangtuanya, Kartini disuruh menikah dengan bupati Rembang, K.R.M. Adipati Ario Singgih Djojo Adhiningrat, yang sudah pernah memiliki tiga istri. Kartini menikah pada tanggal 12 November 1903. Suaminya mengerti keinginan Kartini dan Kartini diberi kebebasan dan didukung mendirikan sekolah wanita di sebelah timur pintu gerbang kompleks kantor kabupaten Rembang, atau di sebuah bangunan yang kini digunakan sebagai Gedung Pramuka.

Anak pertama dan sekaligus terakhirnya, Soesalit Djojoadhiningrat, lahir pada tanggal 13 September 1904. Beberapa hari kemudian, 17 September 1904, Kartini meninggal pada usia 25 tahun. Kartini dimakamkan di Desa Bulu, Kecamatan Bulu, Rembang.

Berkat kegigihannya Kartini, kemudian didirikan Sekolah Wanita oleh Yayasan Kartini di Semarang pada 1912, dan kemudian di Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Malang, Madiun, Cirebon dan daerah lainnya. Nama sekolah tersebut adalah "Sekolah Kartini". Yayasan Kartini ini didirikan oleh keluarga Van Deventer, seorang tokoh Politik Etis.

Peringatan :

Presiden Soekarno mengeluarkan Keputusan Presiden Republik Indonesia No.108 Tahun 1964, tanggal 2 Mei 1964, yang menetapkan Kartini sebagai Pahlawan Kemerdekaan Nasional sekaligus menetapkan hari lahir Kartini, tanggal 21 April, untuk diperingati setiap tahun sebagai hari besar yang kemudian dikenal sebagai Hari Kartini.

Source : Wikipedia Indonesia.

Untuk selengkapnya, silahkan buka wiki ya~

Fairy Tail Episode 229 - Law of Retrogression

Saturday, April 18, 2015
Posted by Jekkicchi
Doriate&#039;s Magic

I wanted to post this yesterday, but I fell asleep when I was going to watch this episode XD
Well, here you are~

As Erza is looking for a way to return to her original form, she is approached by none other than Minerva. Meanwhile, Natsu soon meets Doriate and his magic, turning him into a child as well.

Summary :

PedoboltAt the Sun Village, Erza still wonders why she turned into a child and takes off the rest of her armor. As she starts walking, she slips onto ice and rolls down the mountain formation, figuring out she can't control her movements the way she wants to. She then starts wondering how would the others think of her, adding to her desire to go back to her normal form even more.
(I laugh so hard at this XD)

Chain Blade GunnerMeanwhile, Hunters and Mages are still fighting, with Natsu expressing his impression about the Hunters' strength even without the use of magic. As a reply, Hiroshi points out Sylph Labyrinth's victory at Grand Secret Treasure Games, with the Mages not knowing such thing existed. 
As Hiroshi finishes his speech, Gray reveals he's taken the Moon Drip bottle with Ice-Make: Thieving Hand, shocking Hunters in the process. In order to get the bottle back, Hiroshi orders Drake to shoot, only to fail as Sagittarius breaks the incoming bullet with an arrow. After his comrade's failed attempt, Hiroshi himself starts attacking with his Chain Blade but Gray dodges the attack and throws the bottle to Natsu, who soon gets attacked by Lala's Stronger but successfully evades the attack and then passes the bottle to Lucy. Being enraged, Hiroshi attacks with Chain Blade once more, but this time in its Gunner Mode. Successfully dodging the bullets, Lucy passes the bottle to Wendy so Hiroshi starts focusing his fire on her, with Lala supporting him. Briefly after, Wendy successfully gives the bottle to Carla, all the while dodging the shots coming her way. Finally, Carla throws the bottle to Happy, who fails to catch it and thus the bottle ends up being broken instead, shocking everyone in the process.

Natsu as a childWith the Hunters crying about the loss, Happy apologizes to the team but it turns out that the spilled Moon Drip can't melt the entire ice in the first place and thus wouldn't have been able to save the village and its residents. As Natsu approaches him, Happy thinks he will punish him but the former rather approaches the melted ice, thinking he heard something. By putting his ear on the melted part of the ice, Natsu states he hears someone's voice below it. After such statement, Natsu starts running in one direction, with the others starting to follow him. As Natsu is running, Doriate gets in his way, with the former thinking he's another Hunter. As his suspicions are proven to be false, Natsu gets turned into a child by the latter's unknown magic.
(Look at how cute Natsu is XD)

Minerva finds ErzaBack at Erza's location, Erza tries to requip but barely succeeds on doing so, realizing that even her Requip speed as well as her stamina got significantly lower. She then gets approached by Minerva, with Erza wondering what happened to her and expressing her worry about her. As Minerva tells her she changed guilds, Erza notices her guild's emblem, figuring out she's a Dark Mage of the Succubus Eye Guild. At the same time, Doriate also reveals himself to Natsu as a Dark Mage

Back to her, Minerva tells Erza she doesn't care about the guild she belongs to as long as she has a view from the strong world, with Erza putting in question her pride as a Mage. Having no regrets, Minerva desires to have a rematch, obviously having an unfair advantage. Erza accuses her for turning her into a child but Minerva clears her suspicions by saying that Doriate is the one to do such thing. In the meantime, Doriate starts attacking Natsu, who responds with Fire Dragon's Roar but ends up producing a rather insignificant amount of fire. As he states he was able to produce a much larger quantity even at a young age, Doriate reveals it being one of the effects of his Magic, the Law of Retrogression. Natsu tries using magic once more but ends being punched by Doriate and sent rolling on floor, receiving much more damage in the aftermath. In order to escape and continue his search for the familiar voice, Natsu tricks Doriate, giving him more than enough time for his plan. Infuriated, Doriate takes off his bandana and starts chasing the latter.

Flare appears at Sun VillageMeanwhile, Lucy and Wendy are still following Natsu's tracks, with Wendy slipping and falling. Now having no idea where they are, they end up being followed by Hiroshi and Lala, poorly disguised as Happy and Carla, who went to search for Natsu earlier. After Lucy blows the Hunters' disguise, Wendy apologizes in the name of the group for the incident earlier and states the team's desire of saving the giants instead of fighting with them. Not caring about them, Hiroshi starts breaking the ice from one of the frozen giants, angering Wendy and Lucy in the process. As Wendy tells them to attack her and Lucy instead, they listen to her so Drake starts shooting at them. As Wendy falls and thus gives an opportunity for Drake to shoot at her, Flare comes just in time to save her, telling them they are now equal in number. Back to Erza, Minerva tells her to prepare to fight, all the while Gray is looking for Natsu, who is running from the now enraged Doriate.

Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Zoku - Episode 1

Monday, April 13, 2015
Posted by Jekkicchi
S2 e 1

Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Zoku
Season 2 Episode 1
"Naze, karera ga hoshibu ni kita no ka daremoshiranai"
"And that, nobody knows why they come to the Service Club"

I don't know if some of you have watch this or not, but, there's nothing wrong with posting it, right? ^^

Plot Synopsis :

The series begins with the roof incident of Episode 12 of season 1 skipping Extra episode and OVA of season 1.Where Hayama smacks Hachiman against the wall by his collar while the rest of the clubmates playing the band to buy time for Sagami's return. Hayama leaves with the disgusted tone saying is it the only way he knows. While Hachiman says to himself that "A world where no one is hurt is now completed" indicating that everyone can blame him.

Than we are fast forwarded after Athletic festival, Where Tobe is making jokes of Hachiman as Somethingtani-kun.While Saika invited Hachiman to form a group with him for the school trip. At the precise moment Hayama and Ebina enter.

In the club room ,Yukino prepared tea and serve it to the members in their individual cups but serves Hachiman with a paper cup since he doesn't own any cup in the club. They have a discussion about the field trip each present their idea about the field trip. Yukino explains flawlessly of minor detail of the visit place which makes Hachiman suspect that Yukino was looking forward for the trip and tour magazine in the desk proves it, which makes Yui and Hachiman to laugh.

Their conversation is interrupted by a knock presented by Hayama following him is Tobe. Hayama explains that Tobe is in need of advice but Tobe refuses to speak in-front of Hachiman claiming that only badshit would trust Hachiman. This caused Yukino and Yui to give a cold shoulder to Hayama and Tobe asking them to leave as quick as possible. Tobe decides to explain his request to that he needed support in confession to Hina during field trip. Yui was excited while Yukino was dubious but Hachiman is completely on the negative side. Being minority Hachiman was forced to go with the request. Hachiman ask Tobe if he is aware of the risks involved explaining his personal experience and other risk but his statement was interrupted by Hayama.

Yui plots a list of scheme during field trip for Tobe's confession during which Hina enters and begins her preaching of yaoi of Tobe, Hayama and Hachiman. Explaining that she is uncomfortable with the change in the group and that she doesn't want anything to change, She stresses her words to Hachiman which confuses him.

The class then leaves for the Field trip. In the trip Yui tries to create alone atmosphere for Tobe and Hina but that doesn't seems to go well. Hachiman notes that Hayama is not willing participant in it and he also indirectly speaking against it.

In the night time Hachiman runs into Yukino and they share the progress of the request while they witness Shizuka sneaking out. Shizuka then bribes the two by taking them to the ramen shop for ramen. then both of them walks to the hotel but Yukino feels Shy as realizing the atmosphere of late night and doesn't want both of them to be seen together by others.

Fairy Tail Episode 228 - Wizards vs. Hunters

Saturday, April 11, 2015
Posted by Jekkicchi
Sylph Labyrinth Anime

Fairy Tail 228
Wizards vs. Hunters
Sun Village Arc

As the Fairy Tail Mages arrive at the mysterious Sun Village, completely frozen, they get into a fight with the Hunters of Sylph Labyrinth. Meanwhile, a new threat, Succubus Eye, is also approaching the village, with Minerva as the new recruit.

Summary :

Frozen Sun VillageThe group of Fairy Tail Mages arrives near the Sun Village, with Natsu getting motion sick soon upon landing on the ground. The group sees that the rocks are frozen, meaning the village must be close. Soon after, the Mages arrive at the Sun Village, everything being completely frozen, including a couple of giants who terrify the group in the process. Looking at the frozen giant, Gray recollects when Ur sacrificed herself to freeze Deliora and when Ultear saved his life by casting Last Ages. Lucy wonders about Gray, who tells her that he can't forget about Deliora upon seeing someone gigantic frozen in ice. Erza, however, is surprised that the giants actually exist, with Wendy also being surprised by the existence of a giant frozen dog. Thinking he can melt the ice, Natsu uses his Magic in an attempt to do so, only to fail, disappointed. Gray then points him out that Warrod told them that the ice isn't ordinary. Now he being the one touching the ice, Gray starts feeling the presence of Magic and after an unsuccessful attempt to melt it, Gray mentions that the Magic is similar to someone else's Magic.

Sylph Labyrinth Anime

Suddenly, three shadowy figures appear who turn out to be the Hunters of Sylph Labyrinth, a treasure hunting guild. While the Mages are being surprised that such guilds exist, Drake, one of the Hunters, tells the group that they are looking for the buried treasure, specifically Eternal Flame. Not looking for such thing, the Mages state that their objective is to melt the ice and save the residents, shocking the Hunters, who don't want that to happen. They then state their reason, that being to easily take the Eternal Flame since the residents are frozen. Even though Wendy warns them about the Flame's importance to the village, Hunters rather blame the giants as residents for letting it be taken away. Before the Hunters rush to steal the frozen Eternal Flame, they show the Mages a liquefied version of Moon Drip in a bottle, with Lucy remembering it being used back in the Galuna Island and describing its dispelling properties. As the Hunters run away, the Mages follow, thinking they can melt the entire village with it.

Minerva in Succubus Eye
Meanwhile, there is another threat approaching, that being a Dark Guild, Succubus Eye, with Minerva revealed to be one of the members. Back at the Mages and Hunters, Hunters express their disagreement on Mages' help request due to the difficulty to obtain the Moon Drip. While running, Lucy wonders where is Erza, with Wendy telling her she stayed behind to look for clues. After a while of running, Hunters finally decide to fight against the persistent Mages. Lala initiates by using his Stronger on Natsu, with the latter dodging the attack. Natsu uses his Fire Dragon's Iron Fist as a counterattack but the fire gets extinguished easily by the good physical properties of Stronger. Lala then uses his weapon to throw Natsu in the ice and Gray is next to attack with his Ice-Make: Freeze Lancer. Standing against Hiroshi, Wendy and Lucy dodge the attack of his Chain Blade, which cuts a frozen tree instead. Concurrently, Drake, hiding from the sight of his enemies, uses his sniper to shoot Happy and Carla, who evade the initial shot. Finding out where Drake is hiding, Lucy summons Sagittarius, who uses his arrow to shoot the gunner but the latter breaks it with a precise bullet shot, impressing Lucy. Having a tough time beating them, Natsu concludes that Hunters are much tougher than they look.

Erza sees herself as a childConcurrently, back at the Sun Village, Erza inspects the place, soon figuring out that all the giants are facing the same direction with their drawn weapons. Such observation leads her to believe they were in battle in order to protect something important, that being the Eternal Flame so she figures out that the location of Eternal Flame is in the opposite direction giants are facing. Back at the fight of Mages and Hunters, Natsu continues his assault on Lala but to no effect, while Gray uses his Ice-Make but stands no chance against Hiroshi's Chain Blade, all the while Drake starts shooting with his sniper, with Sagittarius counterattacking with his arrows. Back at the Sun Village, Erza sees her reflection in the ice and is confused when she sees herself younger in the reflection. Suddenly, Erza starts becoming younger, with most of her armor falling off, as if she is under an influence of magic of some sort.

Source : wikia.com

Never Ever - TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE (Fairy Tail Ending 19) Lyrics

Friday, April 10, 2015
Posted by Jekkicchi
TV Version.
Ending 19

Romaji Ver.

Togireta itotsunai de omoi kaesu kimi to no hibi
Detarame na mainichi wo kakuniketa aoi yugure
Wasurenai yo donna toki demo tsuki sasaru fukaku fukaku
'Migi no kobushi wo mune ni atereba boku wa itsu demo soko ni iru yo'

Chisana kono te to te de kasaneta kiseki wo
Tsuyoku tsuyoku ima kokoro ni kizande
Yuruki sona kokoro hakanaku moe yuku hono

Owaranai tatakai sa never never . . .
Oki na kabe norikoe tsuka nda kiseki wo
Nagaku nagai michi bokura wa yuko nda
Kujike sona kokoro mera mera moe yuku hono
Kesanai de koko kara sa never never . . .

English Ver.

Day by day, looking back, you connect the interrupted threads
The chance of every day run through the blue twilight
I won't forget, at any time, it's deeply, deeply stuck into me. . .
"With my fist on the right side of my chest, I swear I'll always be here"

That small miracle as piled hand to hand
Strongly, strongly it's carved in my heart
My unwavering heart burn with a fleeting flame

The battle does not end, never never. . .
This miracle overcame that great wall
We are going through a long, long way
My discouraged heart burn with a strong flame
That won;t be erased from here, never never. . .

Yumeiro Graffiti - Tackey and Tsubasa (Fairy Tail Opening 19) Lyrics

Thursday, April 9, 2015
Posted by Jekkicchi
TV Version.
 Opening 19

Romaji Ver.

Zutto sagashiteta nda nakushite shimatta ima wo
Kono futatsu no hitomi ni utsuru mono dake shinjite
Chippoke na jibun wa tada kizutsuku no osorete

Yariba no nai kanjo wa
Kokoro no oku himete shimai gachi de
Futashika na kachikan no mecha ni shibara rete
Ashi ga sukunda ra sotto boku ga senaka wo osuyo

Kimi iro ni kagayaite
Kimi iro ni kagayaite

Kodoku mo rettokan mo subete sarake da shite
Daiji na no wa zero kara
Ichi ni suru sono chikara
Senobi nante shinakute i
Ari no mama no kimi de
Kurikaeshita kokai mo
Asu he no kagi ni naru kara

English Ver.

I was always looking for the now that I've lost
Only believing in what is reflected in this two eyes
My small self was just afraid of getting hurt

Feeling unfocused
A secret has been hidden deep inside the heart
Tied to a measuring tape of uncertain values
I press back, gently, my freeze feet

Shining on your colors
Repainting on your colors

All the loneliness and inferiority will also expose
The important things came from 0
That power came from 1
Don't have a stretch 
In your truth
And the repeating regret
Became the key for tomorrow

Fairy Tail Episode 227 - The Morning of a New Adventure

Sunday, April 5, 2015
Posted by Jekkicchi
Going on Warrod&#039;s request

Fairy Tail Episode 227
The Morning of a New Adventure
Sun Village Arc.

Well, it looks like what I heard is not quite true, I think. But, it's okay! I kinda like this arc too actually~! Oh well, let's just start!

Summary :

As the girls are having a shower, Lisanna comments on how they're flooded with requests since the Grand Magic Games. Lucy asks Levy if she's been on a job, with her replying that Jet and Droy told her they can handle it themselves. However, it turns out they've followed Gajeel and Pantherlily to complete their job in order to impress Levy, only to end up being easily defeated, asking Gajeel and Lily for help. Back in the guild, Lucy wonders how Natsu and Gray took a job together since it's very unusual for them. Meanwhile, the boys, who are having a shower as well, happen to overhear the conversation and thus comment how Natsu and Gray have become more mature. Briefly after, Freed offers Laxus to wash his back, with Laxus allowing him to do so. As Bickslow comes so he can be massaged next, Freed almost immediately refuses to do so. Concurrently, Levy wonders where is Wendy but Mirajane tells her that she and Carla went out on a job with Erza, ending up in the theater to work as actors, with sweets being their reward, should they finish their job successfully.

Flare appears in the bathBecause of that, the girls are confused why Erza came back already but the red-haired girl turns out to be Flare instead, having nowhere to go after Raven Tail's disbandment. They are shocked to see her here, but Lucy calms them down, recalling when Flare saved her life back at the fight against Dragons. As Lucy thanks her, Flare offers to wash her, using her Hair Magic. Knowing that Flare has nowhere to go, she offers her to join Fairy Tail, shocking everyone even more, especially Juvia, considering her as a future love rival. After Flare surprisingly declines the offer, Lucy heads back home, remembering she forgot to pay this month's rent. As Lucy arrives at her apartment, she finds Erza, Carla and Wendy having a tea, bringing her back memories. To cheer her up, Erza gives her some sweets from a somewhat completed job. Erza then worries about Natsu and Gray, who have been out on a job for 3 days.

Gray and Natsu punch ErzaTo see if they're all right, they go check on them. As they arrive, they find a monster from the request defeated, with Natsu and Gray still nowhere to be found. All of sudden, however, Happy comes out of the bush, exhausted, asking for help. As Wendy heals him, Happy leads the group to Natsu and Gray, who have been fighting all along. Erza goes to stop them but they both punch her, not knowing it was her. As everyone shivers in fear, Erza beats up both Natsu and Gray. Now having arrived to the guild, new job request comes. Makarov sends Natsu and Gray again to complete a job together but gets shocked upon seeing that the client is Warrod Sequen, one of the Ten Wizard Saints and Four Gods of Ishgar. This makes everyone shocked but they are still obligated to go as it appears to be an emergency. Knowing that they aren't able to finish a job together without fighting, Erza, Carla, Lucy, Wendy and Happy join Natsu and Gray on their journey. By using a train, the group arrives near their client's location. Shortly after, they locate a strange house, being all covered with trees and other plants. As they enter the house, they find out it's full of plants and as Lucy is about to say something, the client quiets her, jokingly telling her that the plants require silence.

As Warrod reveals himself to the group, he starts pulling various jokes on the group, which end up more annoying than funny. Now sitting together at the table, Warrod tells them he's using his Green Magic to halt desertification, as he's traveled many deserts during his lifetime. However, along his journey he stumbled upon a village, named Sun Village according to the symbols, being so hardly frozen that even the flames were frozen. As Natsu gets excited while Gray wonders why is he needed, Warrod tells them that the ice isn't ordinary so all the powers are necessary. Confused, Erza wonders why Warrod himself, as a Wizard Saint, can't deal with such an issue, with Warrod responding by telling her that he has no offensive abilities and that he was chosen as a Wizard Saint without his approval. As Fairy Tail members agree to help him, Warrod uses his magic to summon a moving tree to help them reach the Sun Village.

As the youngsters leave, Warrod recollects the creation of Fairy Tail, the guild he was in before he retired, along with Yury Dreyar, Precht Gaebolg and Mavis Vermilion.

What do you think about it?
Oh! New arc, new opening song and ending song!
Should I post the lyric?
Oh right, about Yury Dreyar , Precht Gaebolg, they appeared on Fairy Tail - Zero. It's a story about how they started(maybe) Fairy Tail. With Mavis Vermilion as the main character, I think.